BACKYARD BIRD-WATCHING TAKE A CRACK AT THE GREAT NUTHATCH HUNT BY ERNIE COWAN Getting kids interested in birdwatching might be as simple as adding a little excitement. And what could be more exciting than the Great Nuthatch Hunt of 2017? Spring is the perfect time to grab those binoculars, put on comfortable hiking shoes and head east to our oak woodlands and pinewoods in search of nuthatches. There is even a bonus bird for the overachiever. There are three nuthatch species found in San Diego County, and they range from relatively common and easy to find to somewhat rare and more challenging. The beginning nuthatch hunter should easily locate the white-breasted nuthatch. This is the largest of the three species, but it’s hardly large, measuring slightly less than 6 inches in length. As the name implies, it has a distinctive white breast that extends up and around the eyes, and a black cap that extends to gray-blue feathers on the back. This year-round native is the most widely di...